Highly recommended for personal use and for your horse. For myself - muscle 'knots', which cause severe headaches, have relaxed and resolved within a few minutes of application, ongoing problems are fewer than before. For Horses - Splints - one horse purchased threw a splint, within days very large & very lame, I tried arnica cream which stripped the hair off and the area was very red. For 2 days I used repair cream to commence healing - then EBALM within 4 days he was sound. 10 days back into full work with no further problems. We expected (or our vet expected) 2 months before resolve!! The splint size reduced dramatically also. Windgalls have also reduced with use. Great for general use on both horse and rider for sore, tired or injured muscles & joints
Dear Emuology This email is to tell you how EBalm has helped my husband. We have been using your products for a couple of years after finding them at your stall at the Martinborough Fair. My husband has ongoing health issues but last month he had a serious fall resulting in a severe fracture of the bone in his heel. For two weeks he was in a temporary cast and with fingers crossed a hospital appointment this week confirmed that there was a degree of healing occurring so the cast was removed and a moonboot put on. He will be unable to weight bear on his right foot for a couple of months, and has been experiencing nerve pain and numbness in the toes, foot and up to the knee.
As you can imagine the swelling and pain means sleeping is very difficult but last night he had the first proper sleep since the accident. This is because yesterday I gently massaged EBalm onto his leg, ankle, top of his foot and toes. This morning more of the bruising has gone down and nerve pain has subsided, which allowed a full nights sleep. We will of course be using EBalm every day now as an important part of the healing process. We are so pleased with the results that we felt we had to let you know. Thank you so much.
Hi my name is Heather Smith and I operate an Appaloosa Horse and Stud at Cust near Rangiora. The Stud has been operating for 5 years and as with most people who work with animals it never comes without it's share of accidents. Back on the 5th of May 2000 I woke to find one of our weanlings had gone over a fence. He had sliced the extensor carpe radialis muscle at the top of the leg through to the bone. The muscle had ripped out off the leg and was hanging by only the bottom part of the muscle you could see approximately 4" of bone. Towards the center of the chest was a hole that big I could place my whole fist into it. Of course the vet was called and we tried to stitch the extensor carpe radialis muscle back although there was very little tissue to stitch to, the hole in the chest remained open so as it could drain out any fluid that may appear. After 3 days the muscle fell off the leg again and was unable to be stitched so we had to try and bandage the muscle in place, which in part of a horse is nearly next to impossible. My 2 biggest fears were: (1) We would end up with a lot of proud flesh, and (2) The hair would either not grow back at all or if it did it would be white. A friend of mine suggested that I try Emu Oil on the wound as she she heard it helps repair damaged tissue. So off to the local saddlers I went and purchased a 500g a pottle of Equi-Med Emu Oil. Everyday I put on the Equi-Med and kept it bandaged, I saw a result within 48 hours of applying the Equi-Med. After about 4 days I left the bandage off so that sun could also help the healing, I kept applying the Equi-Med 3 times a day and kept that up for 3 weeks when I then went back to using it once a day. You could acutely see the skin regrowing around the edge of the wound. The wound never became dry or cracked like many creams cause neither did it become very sticky and weepy. The Equi-Med seemed to keep it just right. Now 4 months later you can not see that the foal had been injured at all. The hair has totally regrown back to it's normal colour of black, there is no proud flesh or even hardening of the skin. I can honestly say that the foal is 100% healed. My friend in the North Island also had a leg injury which was down to the bone and the vet said that it would never heal and wanted to put the horse down but after trying Equi-Med the leg is now healing. I think that Equi-Med is a wonderful product that every horse owner should have in his/her medical cabinet along with the EBALM which is great for sore muscles, splints, and jarred knees which are all common problems in horses. Yours truly Heather Smith
I would like to share the benefits of E-Balm with you. Two months ago I bought a pottle at a Craft Fair. I am always looking out for products to help me ease aches and pains, skin inflammation and stiff joints. I have had C.F.S. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for seven years and I am in my early forties now. The characteristics of C.F.S. also known as M.E. are low energy levels and a constantly sore aching ‘in pain’ body. I have found E-Balm a really good product and would recommend it to relieve a sore body! It is non-greasy, easily absorbs, pleasant smelling, warming and does the job very well, giving instant relief immediately.
I have found this product fantastic in the prevention of Mud-Fever Cracked Heels - It soothes reddened skin and provides an excellent barrier to protect the skin. Also for horses that have arrived with mud fever, rain scald and other skin disorders. This has been excellent in promoting new hair growth and stopping flake/scurf on skin. I keep this in my 'Vet Cupboard' for general use on cuts & abrasions - great for overreach injuries - red bruised heals or sliced heels as it encourages rapid healing therefore there seems no interference with hoof growth. Proud flesh occurrences are also reduced. Young horses who sometimes have rubbing from their bits in early training have benefited from daily application for several days.
Hi I am a huge fan of E Balm. I was introduced to it in February this year . I have suffered from arthritis in my fingers for the last 5 years with swelling and severe constant pain in several fingers. I had to stop wearing jewellery because my fingers got so swollen. I use a computer everyday so by the end of week I knew I was in for a painful weekend. I tried a sample of E Balm and wandered around the stalls, within twenty minutes I made my way back to the "Emuology" stall to buy a small pot. I have been using it ever since twice a day and the swelling in my fingers has reduced, the pain gone and I can once again feel human. I used to wake up in the morning with pain in my hands (this has stopped) and a knee problem that I had is now heaps better as a result of using E Balm. I am just about to order a larger pot for myself, my trainer who plays volleyball and has knee problems and a colleague at work who have all had a try and want their own supply. If you haven't tried this product and suffer from arthritis or joint and muscle pain from physical exercise or just ageing please try it - it will help reduce swelling and pain and if you are like me a gym attendee give you back flexibility in joints.
Just a note to say how much we have benefited from your products. Being an ex farmer, shearer, deer culler, etc my carcase has suffered a degree of abuse over the years, however I have found a degree of relief from various pains with its use of your products.
I was given a pot of your Kalaya E-Balm by a friend some time ago, and I’ve found it by far the most effective rub I’ve yet had, for my painful gout, and for all joint and muscle pain. I have just given the balance of my pot to a friend who has a neck problem; as I don’t like to be without it, I am enquiring the price etc of another one.
It is entirely due to your excellent product E-Balm that I successfully and without too much agony completed the 3-Day Sea Kayaking expedition up the Abel Tasman, survived to tell the tale, and have been tramping, surfing, and raising my right elbow ever since. Seriously it is brilliant stuff and I am sure got me through the kayaking. Thank you (and it cures athletes foot)