New look | Same products you know & trust.
What’s in a name?
New look | Same products you know & trust.
Much like this miracle oil itself, the origins of our company are firmly grounded in nature. A family owned & operated company whose passion for the outdoors and adventure lead to the inception of Emuology. A pragmatic Scotsman with his supportive & savvy wife, identified an alarming gap in the health & wellness sector, a natural & safe muscle & joint product with authentic & effective results. 22 years on and the range has expanded and the Emu team along with it. Our small family business has grown into a credible contributor of relief, support & improvement to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. We continue to prioritize the efficacy and safety of our products, without compromising the importance & heritage of our natural origins.
In the last 20 years there have been many advancements in the natural health sector, with the NZ natural products industry now worth an estimated NZ$2.3 billion annually & growing. International demand for NZ products has been encouraged by global admiration for New Zealand’s response to the current world-wide pandemic, and we have seen major markets establish in Asia, North America and Europe.
We are proud to be a New Zealand owned & operate company and Emuology Ltd will remain our company name. With the growth within the natural health sector over the last two decades, it’s important for us to put our best foot forward and be easily accessible to all who may benefit from our products.
KALAYA ( kah-lay-ah) is one of the Aboriginal words for Emu. For thousands of years, the Aboriginal people of Australia have been topically applying emu oil to help heal wounds & help treat a variety of skin, muscle & joint ailments. The Kalaya name has always featured on our products and we feel it more accurately encompasses who we are and where we’re going.
The Kalaya range contains all your favourite products simply categorized by use. Our fresh look embodies the essence of our products, empathizes our heritage and natural origins. Within the Kalaya range there is a product to help support all people in the pursuit of healthy healing, naturally. Our updated look captures a wider demographic of those looking for natural relief from whatever life can throw.
After operating for 22 year’s, we have learnt pain doesn’t discriminate and we hope to support all people in their pursuit for a healthier life. Over time our client base has evolved organically, as too has our Kalaya team. Exciting times ahead as over the next couple of weeks you will see the roll out of our refreshed branding. Although long overdue, these cosmetic changes are simply that, cosmetic. Our products will remain the same reliable products you have come to know & trust. Rest assured our commitment continues to be to our loyal customers. The rejuvenation of our company look in no way alters the steadfast loyalty to our beliefs